An open theme book in a coffee shop, monotone. Generated by Bing AI.

What is a Theme Book?

You may have come across the phrase “Theme Book” when reading or researching. But what exactly is a theme book? Does it literally refer to the theme of a book or something entirely different?

What is a Theme Book?

A Theme Book can refer to two different things. To begin, it can simply describe a book that talks about one common theme consistently and in depth. This would mean that the book is only about one specific topic. It can also refer to a written journal or diary about one single topic or theme.

Examples of Theme Books

The phrase “Theme Book” can be seen in Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth E. Wein. The main characters, Emily and Teo, use Theme Books to write about their journey in the novel. The novel consists of essays, letters, and a flight log combined to form a Theme Book about the Second Italo-Ethiopian war.

Therefore, a Theme Book can refer to a book or journal that talks about one common theme consistently and in depth.

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