Best WordPress Hosting Providers (2023-2024)

If you plan to start a WordPress website (or any website), you need a website hosting service for handling page requests. It can be hard to choose one with endless options on the internet. Some may work seamlessly with WordPress, while others take time to set up. Here are the best WordPress hosting services from 2023-2024.

1. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the best hosting providers for hosting your WordPress website. They are one of the cheapest hosting providers, with exemplary chat support and WordPress integration. You can set up your website in just a few simple steps. You can even hire professionals to build your website on Bluehost. Plans range from 11 dollars per month to 29 dollars per month.

2. Hosting

One of the best ways to host a WordPress website is by using WordPress itself! When using their hosting services, you can choose either to use a domain or a custom domain name. WordPress hosting services are meant for WordPress websites, offering image CDN, free SSL, and high-performance CPUs. Prices range from 0 dollars a month to 70 dollars per month.

3. DomainMonger

DomainMonger isn’t a well-known hosting provider, but it offers budget-friendly plans for starting a WordPress website. I have hosted websites on DomainMonger before, and I do not recommend it if you are concerned about security. My site was hacked often when I used DomainHonger as my hosting provider. But you can always use additional WordPress plugins to protect your website from hackers. However, it works directly with WordPress and cPanel, and they have improved as a hosting provider recently. Plans range from 6 dollars to 30 dollars.

4. 000WebHost

Although 000WebHost has had some data breaches before, it’s a budget-friendly host for WordPress websites. Plans range from 0 dollars to 15 dollars at 000WebHost. I’ve never used 000WebHost before, but it has never had any business complaints on the Better Business Bureau website.

5. GitHub Pages

If you are fine without a custom domain, GitHub Pages may be a good hosting provider for you. It isn’t the most convenient way to set up a WordPress website, but it offers free website hosting through a GitHub repository. The only problem is that your WordPress files can be accessed publicly, allowing others to steal data from your website.