Top 10 WordPress Plugins you should add NOW!

WordPress has many plugins with many different abilities. They make WordPress more efficient and easier to use. Here are the top 10 plugins you should download on your WordPress website NOW! (Because of 2022 Black Friday Deals, many paid features on the following plugins are on sale!)

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular plugin, that boosts your Search Appearance instantly. It makes your website more visible on search engines, helping you gain more customers and visitors. Yoast SEO has a free and paid version that is currently on sale for Black Friday.

2. Jetpack

Jetpack is a great plug-in to add to your WordPress website. Jetpack offers statistics that allow you to track visitors to your website, plus additional security and performance boosts for your website. Jetpack has a free and paid version, starting at 20 dollars per month.

3. Really Simple SSL

If you have SSL protection for your website, Really Simple SSL is a great addition to your website. By default, WordPress allows users to use both HTTP and HTTPS when accessing your website. But Really Simple SSL will make sure all users are instantly redirected to HTTPS. This way, everyone can have a secure experience. Really Simple SSL has a few plans if you want more security features.

4. Fonts Plugin

Fonts Plugin is a great plugin to add to your WordPress website. It gives you more font options through the customizer, without you having to code additional CSS. It is completely three and offers over 1000 fonts you can customize your website with. Fonts Plugin also offers a paid pro version for advanced features and settings.

5. Google Sitekit

Google Sitekit is a service by Google, which allows you to link the Google Search Console (Google Webmasters), Adsense, and Pagespeed Insights, to analyze your website. This plugin is crucial for displaying Adsense Ads on your website while analyzing your website’s traffic.

6. Akismet Spam Protection

Akismet is a plugin that allows you to prevent website spam. It will stop bots from spamming comment sections, using its trained AI. It offers free and paid plans.

7. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress plugin, for creating eCommerce websites. You can set up a store with secure checkout using WooCommerce. WooCommerce has a free and paid plan. You should note, not all WordPress themes work with WooCommerce. Make sure your theme is compatible with WooCommerce before installing or buying it.

8. Classic Editor

One of the most popular plugins on WordPress is the Classic Editor. This plugin reverts the Gutenburg block editor, back to the original WordPress editor. This plugin is very useful to further customize your website, or when the Block Editor is not functioning correctly. Plus, many plugins only work with the Classic Editor.

Gutenberg vs. Classic Editor

9. Disable Comments

Disable Comments is a free plugin that allows you to disable ALL comments on your website. Plus, it allows you to delete comments in the process too.

10. Smush

Smush is an amazing plugin for making your website faster. It compresses images, and turns on lazy-image loading, making your website quicker than ever. I like the reference they make to Hulk by naming their Bulk Smush after Hulk Smash.

haha… bulk smush